Monday 15 April 2013

javascript - customize terrain.js (three.js) Need to add lambert/wire material -

I have recently started playing with three.js, and I started the demo as a design project I am working on

I would like to add a hybrid shader "Wireframe / Lambert" by default. Only the wire comes with shader.

This is the code from the demo, the use of basic material:

  var matrix = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ({color: 0x10ce58, wireframe: true}); var geometry = new 3. plane gemetry (width, height, model width, model height); net = new three Aries (geometry, matrix); Mesh.double-side = false;   

And I tried to do something like this but I only provide "Lambert" and no lambert and wire combined, any ideas?

  darkmaterial = new three. Meshlem Bartmery ({Color: 0xffffff, Cinematography: three. FlatShading, Overdra: Ver wireframematerial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ({color: 0x10ce58, wireframe: true, transparent: true}) var multimedia = [dark matter, wireframemetry] var geometry = new 3. plane gemetry (width, height, modelwidth , Modelhigh); trap = new three. Aries (geometry, multi-functional); Mesh.double-side = False;   

"post-text" itemprop = "text"> < P> This is the code that I use to content ()

  var geometry = new three. Plain gymetry (width, height, model length - 1, model length - 1, material); Content = [new three. Meshlem Bartmatti ({Color: 0xffffff, shading: THREE.FlatShading, overdraw: true}), New Three. Meshlembart content ({color: 0x10ce58, wireframe: true,})]; Var Aries = New Three. Aries (geometry); Object = three. Centiulate.Sant multimedia object (geometry, content);    

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