To install the default, I'm trying to install Leiningen
Installing Leiningen After the instructions for, I:
installed JDK7u25 leiningen 2.2.0
can not go any further because:
When I run lein.bat I get this message: When is the computer The following batch file runs the command: I have tested the environment variable for the location When I turn off I am new to all of these things, what is missing something in the instructions which is so obvious that it was not included in it? Or have problems with me or my system. Thanks for any help or ideas. You have to fix the lein.bat file. Line 27: Quote around variable setting for LEIN_JAR, so: "Error: main square can not be found and loaded" and - this is the end of the error message.
"% LEIN_JAVA_CMD%" -client% LEIN_JVM_OPTS% ^ -Dclojure.compile.path = "% DIR_CONTAINING% / target / classes" ^ - Dleiningen.original Pwd = "% ORIGINAL_PWD%" ^ -cp% CLASSPATH% * *
java Path to .exe and
leiningen \ bin and both of them are correct. Both Java installation and leinginen installation seem fine: everything seems to be in the right places.
@echo in the batch file, the console output shows that the paths used for the path include
java.exe And
Laying-2.2.0-standalone.jar are correct. The only strange thing for a Windows user is that
-Dclojure.compile.path , which is
"E: \ Documents and Settings \ & lt; myname & gt; \ .lin / target / classes" - 2 forward slash "/" can not be part of any window path, but it may be They go Understand.
if "x% LEIN_JAR" "==" x "set LEIN_JAR ="! LEIN_HOME! \ Self-installed \ leiningen-! LEIN_VERSION! It should be re-run, it still throws an error "There is no such order" but I hope this common issue is later in the .bat file. Lein still runs.
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