What is EFL and how to do the registers using OllyDbg? Operation: Result: < My ASCII (motivation): Help has the following : The following EFL is a suffix of conditional orders that satisfies the current flag. For example, if you will see: EFL 00000 A86 (O, NB, NE, A, S, PE, GE, G), This means that JNI would be while JB and JPO were not taken. I doubt, etc. Common Control over the Elyph Oily spreads slightly by registering separately by boolean for the position bits (singular bits known as 'CPAGSTD O'). Briefly in the brackets next to the value of AFL, what is / is not correlated to what is not passed under the current EFLAGs, i.e.: for no-overflow, that means, for the overflow toffee, Will switch. No ,
NB ,
e ,
NE ,
BE ,
ns ,
po ,
ge ,
g , one ?? | Example:
EFL 00000246 (NO, NB, E, BE, NS, PE, GE, LE) < P>
00000246 = & gt; 0000 ... 0010 0100 0110 no NB E.N.N. PE GE LE 0 0 0 1 1 1 & lt; - I do not know that it's right. (Possibly not.)
_-- ------------------------- = & gt; E - & gt; NE / _---------------------- = & gt; BE - & gt; A. / _------------ = & gt; PE - & gt; Drink | | / _-- = & gt; Le - & gt; G. | | / | | | | NO NB NE AN NS PO GE 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 0100 0110 0 0 0 1 1 1
No In any of them
EFL with equality, overflow / move, direction and branch flow -To indicate the various CPU modes along with the register to be used among other things (expanded to include the
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