Saturday, 15 June 2013

How to append an existing XML file using DOM without overwriting the existing data? in java -

I can already add XML data of the existing data, I am very confused about this, Let's say my code is the new document document (). NewDocument (); // db.newDocument (); // Create document element root = doc.createElement ("employee")

  document doc = document builder factor. Experience (). NewDocumentBuilder ()); // cretae elements doc.appendChild (root); Comment cmt = doc.create Comment ("Employee Details"); // add a comment to xml root.appendChild (cmt); Element employee = Doctor.Scent element ("employee"); // Create Element //employee.appendChild(doc.) Root.appendChild (employee); Attr genderAttr = doc.createAttribute ("Gender"); System.out.print ("Enter your gender:"); String gender = br.readLine (); GenderAttr.setValue (Gend); Employee.setAttributeNode (genderAttr); System.out.print ("Enter First Name:"); String child = br.readLine (); Element FName = doc.createElement ("first name"); FName.appendChild (doc.createTextNode (child)); // set xml text worker .appendChild (FName); System.out.print ("Enter Last Name:"); String child 1 = breadlines (); Element LName = doc.createElement ("lastname"); LName.appendChild (doc.createTextNode (child1)); Employee.appendChild (LName); //root.appendChild(employee); //doc.appendChild(root); // Transformerfifferent TF = TransformerFeature to write on file / screen New Intens (); Transformer tr = TF Nuu Transformers (); Tr.setOutputProperty (OutputKeys.INDENT, "Yes"); DOMSource source = new DOMSource (doc); // source // file store order = new file ("src" + file. Separator + "XMLPercing" + file. Separator + "XMLPERSSE 1.xml"); // Get the file StreamResult res = new stream result (new file ("src" + file. Separator + "XMLPercing" + file. Separator + "XMLPerse 1.xml"); // Destination Tr. Transsoform (source, race); // write on file   

and I can easily parse and update but I do not understand how can I add the previous data Please help me

It is very easy to say, you want to add your XML to the new employee . Root nodelight root list = doc.getElementsByName ("employee") is used by simply using getElementsByName () as

  // instead of creating a new root Will be able to; Node root = rootList.item (0); Element employee = Doctor.Scent element ("employee"); // Create new element root. AppendChild; //   

to be attached as before document.getElementById () method can be used as well if any element The identifier is assigned to normally attachment ()


(Sample code added)
You have two root nodes i.e. two & lt; Employee & gt; Tags can not be in the form of root. It is invalid XML; You can get a single root & lt; Employee & gt; Multiple & lt; Employee & gt; tag Also, stick in case of camel or capital. I am using capitals for stability.

  // root nodelight root address = doc.getElementsByName ("employee"); Node root = rootList.item (0); // Use the helpful method root.appendChild (Construction worker (Doctor, "Male", "John", "Do")); Public Emant Construction Worker (Document Doctor, String Lang, String Fanem, String Lam) {// Create New Employee Employee Employee = Doctor. Stent Element ("Employee"); Employee.setAttribute ("gender", gender); // Create Child Nodes Element firstName = doc.createElement ("FirstName"); FirstName.appendChild (doc.createTextNode (fname)); Element last name = doc.createElement ("LastName"); LastName.appendChild (doc.createTextNode (lname)); // Supplementary and return employees .appendChild (first name); Employee.appendChild (lastName); Return worker; }    

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