Saturday 15 June 2013

osx - include GLUT in qt project with cmake -

I'm trying to cmake project with opengl and qt.

This is cmake where I joined Opanglok:

  # Opangll set (QT_USE_QTOPENGL TRUE) find_package (Opanelel required) find_package (GLUT required) Shamil_ directory ($ {OPENGL_INCLUDE_DIRS } $ {GLUT_INCLUDE_DIRS}) $ {OPENGL_LIBS $ {OPENGL_LIBRARIES} $ {GLUT_LIBRARY})   

and got them, it is a part of cmake output:

  - OpenGL found: / System / Library / Framework / OpenGL.framework - found GLUUTUP: - Framework GLUTUF   

and I can include OpenGL with it:

#include & lt; QtOpenGL & gt;

GL * it correctly with the is glGetString (GL_VENDOR) meets or glGetString (GL_VERSION) and they work.

But I am not able to include the GLUT.

I am on Mac OSX 10.8.4, QT4.8, Qt Creator 2.7.1 and OpenGL 2.1

Please note that under Ubuntu 12.04, the same cmake file will give me the GL / gl.h and GL / glut.h .

But I am not able to include GLUT.

What do you do when you want to use GLUT 'is already using the QT?

GLUT is a framework for window construction and event loop processing. QT is a framework for window creation and event loop processing.

You can not do two frameworks in the same program evenly (unless you are not interested in seeing them, click on

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