Wednesday 15 January 2014

Can I use XSLT to make separate output files(like xhtml) from a single XML file? -

I'm new to CSS with experience with XML. I have a single XML file that I'm trying to style for the web file can be of a type of complex, so I would like to display it in different pages so users can navigate between the parts of the XML file. For example, the descriptive information is encoded that I would like to put on a separate page which can link to parts of the XML file.

The ideal way to do this would be to use Xquery inside XHTML, but the browsers do not support it, and I have to do this client-side. I also looked at XQIB but I could not find a query to get information from a different XML file.

Can I use XSLT in various xhtml files to pull out the information from my XML file?

I understand that you want to run XSLT in the browser instead of on the server , For some reason.

Yes, you can do at least one AJAX call. Each XHTML Web page can also fetch XML documents, and XSLT stylesheets via AJAX. The page stylesheet can call with specific standards of that page.

Although it may be slow for the user, XML and XSLT are waiting to load, and then waiting for the conversion. Especially since you will be loading the full XML file for each page, even if you will only use a fraction of it for that page.

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