Wednesday 15 January 2014 MVC3 + Visual Web Developer 2010 Express + global.asax + cannot load type -

I have tried to mend this problem and have followed many suggestions, such as replacing DLL, MVC 3 Re-installation and more. So I actually try to contact this great forum, even here and here is a very difficult question. But I think this error is normal and I think there may be reasons for several reasons.

PROBLEM: I have created an ' net mvc 3 web application' with internet template with 'web' developer 2010 express. After several attempts, this time I called it 'MVCAntTist', it runs fine on my local machine. I have rebuilt the solution and copied these files to my domain root on the Windows Web Host account server:

  MvcAnotherTest.dll Global.asax Global.asax.cs (It does not seem that it is necessary but tried with it and without it) Web.config System.Web.Routing System.Web.Mvc System.Web.Abstractions System.Web.Helpers System.WebWebPages   


 < Code> Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure System.Web.Razor System.Web.WebPages.Depployment System.Web.WebPages.Razor   

But whatever I do, I get this error below I try to browse the site:

  Server error '/' Parser error in the application Description: An error occurred during parsing the resource required to complete this request. Please review the following specific analysis error details and modify your source file properly. Parser error message: Type 'MvcAnotherTest.MvcApplication' could not be loaded. Source error: Line 1: & lt;% @ Application codeVarious = "Global.aspx CS" Inheritance = "MVCAntTistMvAk Applications" language = "C #"% & gt; Source file: /global.asax line: 1 version information: Microsoft. Net Framework version: 4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version: 4.0.30319.18034   

I have configured 7 and asp net runtime on 4/4 by IIS

I'm having the same problem ... did you solve it?

I had to completely remove the Global.asax.cs file to perform this task.

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