Thursday 15 May 2014

Javascript D3.js d3.json() function not accepting valid json, what to do to use it the same as d3.csv? -

learn d3.js I like this one. Creating histogram with raw data from the Csv file,


  x, y 2,16 3,18 5,18 12,19  < / Pre> 


  d3 Csv ("data.csv", function) {var map = (function (i) {return parasif float (iy);}) var histogram = d3 layout. Ostogram () .bins (4) (Map)   

... etc. This was my initial call and it works.

Putting the same data in a valid Jason format like this , "X": ["2", "3", "5", "<" , "12"]}]

Calling data does not work,

  d3.json ("data.json", function ( Jason) {var map = (function (I) Returns parasif float (iy);}) histogram = d3 layout. Ostogram () .bins (4) (map)   

How can I d3? Js is the native .json file interpreted as a CSV format in the same way that I have to change which code is low. Is it possible? Documentation I Ead really confused me and to work with my example Do not think the best tutorial on YouTube .csv and no json's Yoga. I need to use json.

Try this data for your Jason file:

 ["X "": "2", "y": "16"}, {"x": "3", "y": "18"}, {"x": "5", "y":  parsefloat (Iy)  (bus) can get rid of (only) "18"}, {"x": "12", "y": "19"}]  

return < Code> iy ) If you specify your data in a number instead of a string. CSV values ​​are forced in strings, while JSON numbers can be obtained.

Edit: Change the following line to: d3.json ("data.json", function ( error , < Strong> data ) {. Note the parameter name. Your code should work later.

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