Thursday 15 May 2014

postgresql - configuring heroku database connection in padrino - DATABASE_URL fails -

There was a problem getting the pedometer (0.11.2) application for me to run nowadays, the errors I'm taking back It was suggested that the connection URL was not working, e.g.

  2013-06-20T12: 55: 59.040527 + 00: 00app [Web 1]: / app / seller / bundle / ruby ​​/ 1.9.1 / gemstone / DM-core-1.2. 1 / Leash / DM-Core / Adapter RB: 12: In 'new': + option + must have or know the address: URI or string, but but I was able to see my mind worsened and I was unable to see that until I read this article, the problem Been and checked my environment variable, i.e. in the console:      & gt; Heroku config === myapp Config Vars HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_COBALT_URL: postgres: // blah blah blah ...   

Looking at it I DATABASE_URL continuous database. Turned HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_COBALT_URL in db and is everything worked Is the docs old? Eg:

  • Has anything changed or have I messed up somewhere? - I notice that while deploying the app, Heroco automatically writes a database. Inim file, but I do not think padrino will use it.

    You need to promote this database as "main" one:


    you can then DATABASE_URL .

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