Thursday 15 May 2014

what does "::" (double colon) operator mean in "Chunk::new" in Java? -

I'm getting through a biscuit process, and inside the entry it says

  # # Java Runtime Environment has received a serious error: # # java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: 1035152 bytes for request :: New. Swap out of place? # # Internal Error (Allocation cpp: 215), pid = 2060, tid = 3980 # Error: Chunk :: New # # JRE Version: 6.0_21-B 0 # Java VM: Java Hotspot (TM) Server VM (17.0- B17 Mixed Mode Windows-x86) # If you want to submit a bug report, please see: # #   

My question is not particularly about out-of-memory error, but how to interpret chuck :: new phrase

I think apparently double call Not an operator in Java, but I do not know what it is. Will there be anything in my situation?

That means there is nothing in Java before version 8 (see).

What you are looking for refers to the C ++ code. The first word is the name of the class, the second method is the name :: is also called itself.

The error you are receiving is of the CV + code itself.

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