I am trying to create a search page which will allow a user to find any instance of a model that Some thresholds meet the criteria and there is a problem to avoid the redundant code seriously. I hope that there is a better way to do this. Here's a little complied example, which tells me what I'm trying to do, with the corresponding code adjusted at the end. The user will interact with the search with the checkbox. views.py: The relevant code that I want to cut As follows, it is much more straightforward than my project, with the name change. Actually I want the user to be able to find all the instances of a certain object that meets a given threshold level. Therefore, for example, all the ice creams that they will get spoiled and all the ice cream they will find delicious. There are many things that I am not happy about this code. I do not like to check to see that the Q object is not yet installed for every potential threshold, but there is no way around it. Apart from this, if it was a non-DNS problem, then instead of writing each one I would use a loop to check each of the given thresholds but again, I'm not sure how to do this. Finally, the biggest problem is, I have to check the threshold for perhaps 20 different attributes of the model. Since it stands, I have to write a new threshold checker for every one, which will be slightly different from each other (the name of the attribute which is checking). I like being able to write a generic checker, then to pass it to the specific attribute, or is there any way to solve my other two problems? Thank you! How?
DEF Search_iscams (request): user = request Kuser q_search = does not, 'taste_search in request.GET': q_search = taste_threshold_set (request, user, q_search) If q_search no ==: icecream_list = Icecream.objects.order_by ( 'name') and: Icecream_list = College.objects. Filter (q_search) context = {'icecream_list': icecream_list} return render (request, '/icecream/icecreamsearch.html', context)
def taste_threshold_set (request, user, q_search): border = request.GET.getlist ( 'taste_search') user_type_tolerance = user.profile.get_tolerance_of (ICEA # 1-5 are different thresholds.. they are abbreviated to cut # length of the URL in the range '1': new_q = Q (bad_threshold__gt = user.profile.taste_tolerance) If q_search no ==: q_search = new_q rest: q_search = (q_search) | (new_q) if the "2" range: new_q = Q (bad_threshold__lte = user.profile.taste_tolerance) & amp; \ ~ Q (okay_threshold__lte = user.profile.taste_tolerance) If q_search no ==: q_search = new_q rest: q_search = (Q_search) | (new_q) if '3' c The test: new_q = Q (okay_threshold_3__lte = user.profile.taste_tolerance) & amp; \ ~ Q (tasty_threshold__lte = user.profile.taste_tolerance) If q_search no ==: q_search = new_q rest: Q_search = (q_search) | (new_q ) If '4' in range: new_q = Q (tasty_threshold__lte = user.profile.taste_tolerance) and q Lerance) if q_search == none: q_search = new_q other: q_search = (q_search) | (New_q) if '5' in threshold: new_q = Q (delicious_threshold__lte = user.profile.taste_tolerance) if q_search == none: q_search = new_q other: q_search = (q_search) | (New_q) returns q_search
query_arg = [ 'bad_threshold__lte', 'bad_threshold__lte', 'okay_threshold_3__lte', 'tasty_threshold__lte', 'delicious_threshold__lte'] Q (** {query_arg [integer (range of this approach) - 1]: user.profile.taste_tolerance})
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