Wednesday 15 April 2015

java - Configure: JRebel + External JBoss + Eclipse + Ant based deployment -

I'm trying to configure JRBell

Dev environment description:

  • JBoss 6.0.1 - running out of eclipse (the same machine, not remotely)
  • Debugging: Remote, all Hotspending Functions of
  • Anti script is that: Zebus prepares war, deploys and lifts

    I have not used JRBEL before, the configuration guide flows It sounds easy, but I'm having trouble with my special case.

    All sources (including .jsps and images) are being compiled in the project's bin folder.

    Ant script creates warfare which is separately placed inside a dedicated jar in JSP, style, property files and compiled application sections with libraries in / web-inf / lib /. The script lift the war generated by Jebus and runs the server.

    Give me your rebel. Xml (Where should I place in my project's bin folder ?!) And what should I write for this? Code change has changed within jarb inside Jarbill in Jabbal server.

    I provided the Jbys run script with the required Jebel VM arguments.

    Thanks in advance!

    rebel.xml to web-INF / your application Squares If you have dependency in the WEB-INF / lib folder, then each archive should have its own dedicated rebel.xml configuration file.

    If you deploy Eclipse to use WTP, it is ok to put it into the source folder but if you are using the ant to build a war So, you have to make sure that your ant script will detect the revolting XML and copy it to the correct location.

    The path in the rebel should be pointing to the Xml folder where the compiled squares, that is the place where your IDE compiles these sections.

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