Wednesday 15 April 2015

mongodb - Scala Lift - Cloudbees 500 error, mongo record -

I have a perfectly fine version of my app locally, and in a dedicated server environment.

Now I am in the process of hosting the service through the cloud alone, but has gone into a strange error that I would be very much appreciated for some help.

Error in the question resulted from a new record being created for this model:

  Class Panel_Model (Personal) is extending MongoRecord [Panel_Model] ObjectIdPk [Panel_Model] { Def meta = Panel_Model object extends DBID longfield (this) object handle extends StringField (it, 50) extends the object cell StringField (it, 50) extends the object user StringField extends object name (this, 50) StringField (this, 50) extends the object element StringField (this, 50) extends object slide MongoJsonObjectListField (this, Panel_Model_Slide) Object State State JsonObjectField (this, Panel_Model_State) is expanded {Def defaultsValue = null.asInstanceOf [Panel_Model_State]} Extends the object-time JsonObjectField (this, Panel_Model_Time) {def defaultsValue = null.asInstanceOf [Panel_Model_Time]}} Object Panel_Model Expands Panel_Model with MongMetaRecor D [Panel_Model] { Fixed override collectionName = "panel"} case class Panel_Model_Slide (handle: string, media: string, absolute: map [string, string], content: string, view: string, index: int, active: int] JSONObject extends [Panel_Model_Slide] {Def meta = Panel_Model_Slide} Object Panel_Model_Slide extends JsonObjectMeta [P Anel_model_lide] Case class Panel_Model_State (ready: int, active: int, closed: int, slide: map [string, int]) is expanded JSONObject [Panel_Model_State] {def meta = panelmodel_state} Object panelModel_State extension of JsonObjectMeta [Panel_Model_State] Case class Panel_Model_Time (Created: lengthy) JsonObject [Panel_Model_Time] Extends the {def meta = Panel_Model_Time} object Expands Panel_Model_Time JsonObjectMeta [Panel_Model_Time]   

and the actual call that Generates error, only The inside of the Loudbee's environment is:

  Panel_Model.createRecord DBID (DBID). Room ( User ( Name (fph.fileName). Handle (handle) Element (element). State (Panel_Model_State (0, active, 0, map (("active" -> 1), ("total" -> 1)))). Time (Panel_Model_Time (Unix))   

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance

< P yourAppId - Seeing a tail - and seeing: Bees app is seeing the actual error.

: (tail, or web console bees app)> You should take a look at the error in the logs The result is when this error occurs in the state - which will help a lot.

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