Monday 15 February 2010

flash - Error #1009: null object reference - When adding a DataGrid to a ActionScript Mobile project -

I am very new to the action script, so please forgive me if I have made any obvious mistakes here.

I use Flash Builder 4.7, which uses a data grid ( fl.controls.DataGrid ) to display a set of data in a very simple ActionScript I am trying to put the mobile project.

However, when I add the datagrid object to 'View' (' addChild (myDataGrid); ), I get the following error.

  Type error: Error # 1009: Null object can not use context or method of reference. On fl.containers: BaseScrollPane / drawBackground () [C: \ Program Files \ Adobe \ Adobe Flash \ CC \ Common \ Configuration \ Component Source \ ActionScript 3.0 \ User Interface \ fl \ Container \ 1139] fl. Control :: Data Grid / Draw () [C: \ Program Files \ Adobe \ Adobe Flash CC \ Common \ Configuration \ Component Source \ ActionScript 3.0 \ User Interface \ fl \ Control \ 1663] at fl.core: : UIComponent / callLaterDispatcher () [C: \ Program Files \ Adobe \ Adobe Flash CC \ Common \ Configuration \ Component Source \ ActionScript 3.0 \ User Interface \ fl \ core \ 1524] In Hours: ContentPlayer / internalCompleteInitialWindowSetup ( ) In Operation :: SimulatedContentPlayer / fullSimulatedInitialWindowSetup () runtime: :: SimulatedMobileDeviceContentPlayer / doCompleteInitialWindowSetup () runtime :: ContentPlayer / fullInitialWindowSetup () Runtime: :: AppRunner / onComplete (  

from what) I 'have been able to know about the error, it seems that with flash control references Not related, but I can not yet do Ell, I have included all Flash user interface components for the project source path .

  C: \ Program Files \ Adobe \ Adobe Flash CC \ Common \ Configuration \ Component Source \ ActionScript 3.0 \ User Interface   

I have a Flash.swc file Has tried to add library path and (add), which did not make any difference.

  c: \ program files \ Adobe \ Adobe \ Flash cc \ general \ configuration \ action script 3.0 \ libs \ Flash.swc   

is it really Is it possible to use this control in this project type (Action Script Mobile)? If so, then do anybody have any ideas on which the library can still disappear, or have I made any other mistake?

Many thanks in advance.

If possible, rebuilding in CS6 I have a similar random error 'error # 1009: a property Or I'm trying to solve a null object not reaching the reference method

And I only understand that CC is guilty <. P> If reconstruction in CS6 resolves your problem, please let me know!

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