Sunday 15 May 2011

javascript - Add custom tool bar to CKEditor in rails -

I'm using CKEditor CKEditor (gem) and everything is working properly, unless I have a Custom Tool Bar

I have seen some post using config.js file, however, with the setup according to the instructions, in the /ckeditor/config.js file assets / assets / Javascript is not . Additionally, if I add /ckeditor/config.js to the javascripts directory, then the functionality of file upload stops working, even when config.js is an empty file. The "Upload" tab becomes hidden and non-functional with a reboot of the server.

Is there any way that I can customize the universal tool bar? Or even if I can just add inline options or something that would be helpful ...

using Rail 3.2.11

In my jamfile I have: gem "jquery-rails", "~> 2.2.1" gem "ckeditor" gem "wow carrier" gem "mini_magick" gem "cloud" / Code>

I have application.rb:

  config.autoload_paths + =% W (# {config.root} / app / Model / ckeditor)   

I have in application.js:

  // is essential jquery // is necessarily jquery_ujs // = Bootstrap required Is /// = required ckeditor / init // = require_tree ../../../vendor/assets/javascripts/ // require_tree   

me as my I have tried to use:

  = f.cktext_area: content   

config.js file:

  CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function (config) {config.toolbar_Custom = [{name: 'document', item: ['source', '-', 'save', 'newpage ',' Docprops ',' preview ',' - ',' template ']}, {name:' clipboard ', item: [' pasteforward '[' image ',' table ',' horizontal rule ',' special customer ',' Pagerac ']}, {name:' , 'Revert', 're' '}}, {name:' insert '', 'item': ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', '' maximize ',' showboks 'Name': '' ',' about ''} ',' / ', {name:' basic style 'strike', 'subscript', 'superscript', '-', 'removeFormat']}, {name: Paragraph ', items: [' numbered list ',' bulleted list ',' - ',' outdated ',' indent ',' - ',' blockkote ',' - ',' justify lift ',' district center ' 'Justify', 'Justificable Block', '-', 'Bitilter', 'BDR Lll ']}, {name:' link 'items: [' link ',' unlink ',' anchor ']},' / ', {name:' styles', items: ['styles',' format ' 'Font', 'fontsis']}, {name: 'color', items: ['textualar', 'bg color']}]; Config.toolbar = 'Custom'; };    

You must manually create your own config.js file. To preserve the upload tab, follow this issue on ckeditor gem repo, which describes how to resolve it:

Just open the file browser in your config.js Referenced configuration for Javascript Paste file and upload tab will come back with full functionality.

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