Monday 15 August 2011 - Which, if any, recent Windows updates should I uninstall to revivify Silverlight or rectify other problems? -

Suddenly, a large project stopped working, without any code changes related to the problem. As we are using Visual Studio 2010 at work, I have uninstalled the update for Visual Studio 2012 (KB2781514), which was probably installed because I installed a version of Visual Web Developer Express. Anyway, whether uninstalling or uninstalling that update, I do not know, because it is probably in the pre place where a permission / authentication error was generated in the project, which I now see Our Silverlight Report Viewer Page:

Enter image details here < P> As the code was not changed to "work fine" to "do not work anymore" (exact code other machine The works, which does not stop all night and thus not all I've got my update), we determined that it was updating some computers that were wrong deeds.

In Windows 7, I can see updates through all programs. Windows Update | View update history | Found updates, and these updates were found in the window (no eve-motive) when the project was last working and when it was exposed around O'Connally Corners (Free Doobies Reference):

Strong> 6/19: 6/20:

For Windows updates: KB2823180 KB2809215 KB2809900 .NET Framework security update to 4.5: KB2737083 KB2742613 MS .NET Framework update 4.5: KB2750147 KB2805221 KB2805226

I have a time to pursue a "wild goose" Do not want to uninstall all things in order to update, reboot, restore, etc. (If I can help it).

What is aware of these updates to any problem, or an educated intuition can be a [s] on which he perpetrator [s]


I have reinstalled the Silverlight SDK, and this error has taken place from one place to another, and now it is for a different error:

System by user code .iofile load abnormality was rejected HResult = -2147286790 message = file or assembly could not be loaded 'TLDComm OnLib, version =, culture = neutral, public key token = 4ced62d0f7a74a89 'or an API call out of its dependency abnormally exited. (Exception with HRESULT: 0x800300FA (STG_E_ABNORMALAPIEXIT) Source = PolarDataMyPortsFileName = TLDCommonLib, Version =, Culture = Neutral, PublicKey Tokens = 4ced62d0f7a74a89 Fusion Lag ==== Information of Pre-Bound Position === Log: User = CCR \ u9867 me with Dkbldplaits

updates from Windows and / or VS breaking in the past Similar problems are near the Silverlight SDK

usually will solve it by restoring the Silverlight SDK Sometimes I have to re-install the Silverlight and SDK. Given the SE to the new exceptions

is a similar problem revolves around the correct answer user permissions.

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