Thursday 15 March 2012

PHP + PostFix + Amazon SES + Multiple Domains (transports) -

I have to shorten the community on serverfault as this and not to post this, and about 80% I have decided that my question is unanswered ...

That's why I got my domain from 3 domains:, and Relay internally, relay internally, and should relay via Amazon SES

Right now, the x and mails correctly internally, but i need to relay the ss

So, my config is so far in :.

sender_dependent_relayhost_maps = hash: / etc / postfix / sender_transport domainz_sasl_auth_enable = Yes domainz_sasl_security_options = noanonymous domainz_sasl_password_maps = hash: / etc / postfix / sas2_passwd domainz_use_tls = Yes domainz_tls_security_level = Encrypt domainz_tls_note_starttls_offer = Yes domainz_tls_CAfile = / etc / ssl / certs /ca-bundle.crt

And in my, I have attached a UNIX channel above the default smtp:

domainz Unix - - n - 1 smtp smtp cabinet n - n - - smtpd

and in my sender_transport I

@ domainz: 1. I SSS SMTP "email- " said in Do I enter? I think we need to hit "domains" so that we can send the correct sentale data to it. 2. Keep in mind that this mail is not outside the server, so no, so I did not set up a transport_map. This error is coming out when I push out from @domainz: "Status = Bounce (name or domain name not found name = namez = service error for A = AAAA: host not found.)"; So before we can also get to host Amazon's SES, I'm having trouble on the transportation level that I can not figure it out.

Thanks, Mike

About 24 hours of trying to solve it Later, I thought this in the end I hope that this helps, which is looking to use this same method and I am just pain! There is no need to go through the medium gone by

So in my example above, the domain transmitted through x + y virtual aliases. For Z we would have to use the transport, in that case it was a "sender_convert_reelhost_maps" transport, so I could capture the sender and relay them through Amazon SES.

In, regardless of "smtp / unix-socket", we use direct SES parameters: smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash: / etc / postfix / sas smtp_use_tls = Yes smtp_tls_security_level = Encrypt smtp_tls_note_starttls_offer = yes smtp_tls_CAfile = / etc / ssl / certificate / ca-bundle.crt

sender_dependent_relayhost_maps We use: @ []: 25

"smtp_sasl_password_maps" file store matching relay users:.! Key

and it's done

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