Friday 15 June 2012

osx - Adding Maven Installation to EClipse -

I am following my wiki page and first we are able to install Maven with homebrain and look like this Change the path to:

  Apache Maven 3.0.4 (r1232337; 2012-01-17 02: 44: 56-0600) Maven home: / usr / local / Cellar / maven / 3.0.4 / libexec /   now says this:  

A Maven installation (Eclipse -> Blockquote>

here I I

Enter image details here

Should Ive post the above home path here? But when I click on the add button ... it opens a dialog to point it to some folder, but I can not navigate to the / usr folder on it

When you click Add, you must have your MAVEN_HOME folder of your external Maven installation You have to browse for it. Looks like your instructions That you have already installed it out of eclipse.

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