Saturday 15 September 2012

extjs - Can't change selectfield options - InCode -

Here is my selection field. We can see that the options are SI, American and Imperial

 < Code: {xtype: 'selectfield', flex: 1, itemId: 'units_elector', maxHeight: 50, label: 'units', option: [text:' SI ', value:' SI '), {text:' American ', Value:' American '}, {text:' imperial ', value:' imperial '}], use picker: wrong, listeners: [{function: (element, eopesh) {var entity = Ext.getStore ( 'Configstore'). last (). Get ('units'); This.suspendEvents (); This.setValue (unit); This.resumeEvents (); }, I see when I use my app here ...  


OUPS think SI is shown international? FYI - The name of the international option I had given earlier to this option. I decide to change it but my app feels disagree with me on this ....

Here is one of my selectfield options: console.log ()  consolelog

And this is the most fun part, my code.js file is to see that it's correctly conveyed Saves with Architect select

Would anyone know how to repair this problem ...?

The answer is dumb ...

Seriously, if you have a multilingual app Is ... double check that you are not modifying the value field -_- & lt; When updating language (text field)

To do something else itemId to see what is changing the value of this selected field (automatically an error occurred and I was given a code line to find it)

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