Saturday 15 September 2012

Linker Error When Integrating iOS and the Google Plus SDK -

I am trying to get a linker error after sharing Google Plus SDK in iOS 6.1 app and adding GooglePlus .framework and GoogleOpenSource.framework

The following errors yields with only frameworks and build:

  undefined symbols architecture armv7: "_CGRectDivide", refers to: - [GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch moveWebViewFromUnderNavigationBar] in GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch.o ld : Symbols (AR) Architecture ARMv7 not found for ringing: Error: Exit the linker command failed with code 1 (use -v to see invocation)   

I have no use Followed the instructions found in Hua. I have done the following:

  1. System configuration. Framework and security. Framework is included
  2. Drag and drop GooglePlus.framework and GoogleOpenSource.framework from SDK and removed in my XCode
  3. Added objc flag to the app target's build settings

    In addition to the previous steps, I also tried to add the contents of the open source folder given in the SDK


    my included library

    Full error message:

     < Code> A Fought "/ Users / me / Library / Developer / Akskod / Darivetdeta / Maypad -asdf / Build / intermediate / MyAppkbuild / Dibg- iPhoneOS / / objects General / ARMv7 / MyApp" normal ARMv7 cd / users / me / code / MyApp setenv IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET 6.1 setenv path "/Applications/ / content / developer / platforms / Aifonos. platform / developer / usr / bin: /Applications/ materials / developer / usr / bin: / usr / Bin: / bin: / usr / sbin: / sbin "/Applications/ XcodeDefault.xctoolchain / usr / bin / clutch -arch ARMv7 -isysroot / app Use / / Content / Developer / Platforms / iPhoneOS Platform / Developer / SDK / iPhoneOS 6.1 SDK-L / User / I / Library / Developer / Exode / Daredified Data / IIF-ADF / Build / Products / Debug-Iphoneos -l / User / I / Code / My App / My app -f / user / me / library / developer / xcode / derivative / my app-adf / build / product / debug-iphoneOS -f / user / i / code / mypad / ../../Documents/FacebookSDK - F / user / me / code / my app -f / user / mine / Code / My Apps / My App -failsuchi "/ user / my / Library / Developer / Akskod / Darivetdeta / Maypad- asdf / Construction / intermediate / .LinkFileList "-dead_strip -ObjC -lsqlite3.0 -fobjc- arc -fobjc- link-order -miphoneos-version- Min = 6.1-Framework system configuration -fremvrk security -fremvrk CFNetwork- Framework Social Framework accounts -fremvrk Iventkit Framework EventKit UI Framework - AVFoundation - Framework MapKit - Framework Twitter - Framework Kormoshn - Framework Core Location - Lxml2 - Framework Kwartjkor - Framework Mobile Corrs - Sewakarita Kordeta - Fremmark UIKit - framework Foundation - Framework Pinterest - GooglePlus Framework - Framework Google open source - lGooglePlusUniversal -o "/ Users / me / Library / Developer / Undefined symbols for Xcode / DerivedData / MyApp-asdf / construction / intermediate / / debug-iPhoneOS / / Objects General / ARMv7 / MyApp "architecture ARMv7:" _CGRectDivide ", refers to: - [GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch moveWebViewFromUnderNavigationBar] in GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch.o ld: symbol (s) found for Architecture ARMv7 Clank: Error: Linker out of order exit code for use -v to see 1 (invocation) < / Code> failed with  

    I'm not sure what I missed, but any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Also core to link graphic framework seek CGRectDivide method, which is part of the core graphics is.

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