Saturday 15 September 2012

ms access - Delete all rows in which a field value matches in both datasets -

I have two questions, I need to create a third question which removes all the rows where the child's name is found in both goes. Therefore, if [no hair is seen]. [Child-Name] [Child Scene_ Pull] matches in. [Child-Name] The rows in the new query that meet the criteria (matching name) are removed. I'm new to make sure how to write access to SQL

* * Question 1 [Child not seen] **

 "face to face") and (([child has not been seen.] Participant);) (Or "yes") or ((not hair [Sen.-Klein]. [Contact method]) or ((([not to be sympathetic] [contact method]) = "face to face" ) And ([not seen for the child]. [Contact result]) = "tried" or (([[No child Seen_Clean]. [Contact method]) = "Face to face" (([No hair Saw sen]. [Contact result]) = "contact") and ([[No child], Focus = "Yes") and (([No child.] Sen. Participants = "No") or ((([No hair method]] = "Phone" ) And [([[child's contact method]) = "contacted" and (([no hair-laden] focus) = "yes") or ((((([hair [contact method]) = "Fax") and (([no child has been seen]. [Contact result] = "contact") and (([child not cena_lean] focus) = "yes")) or ("[no child sighted Is]. "[Contact Method]) =" Phone ") and (([[No child] ] [Contact result] = "tried") and (([child not seen] focus) = "yes") or ([[child [no] san_lion]. [Contact method]) = "mail" and ([[child not seen]. [Contact result]) = "tried" [Id]; [IID], [Child not seen] [Case ID]  

Question 2

  Select [hair has not been seen] . ], [Hair is not seen.], [Hair is not seen]. [Worker site / unit], [hairs not seen]. [Worker's name], [hairs not seen]. [Worker's role], [hairs not seen] [Contact date], [hairs not seen]. [Contact method], [hairs not seen] [Contact result], [hair not seen] focus, [hair not seen]. [The child has not seen Senlai] from where (([no child has been seen]. [Contact method]) = "Face to face") and (([Child not Sena_Len]. [Contact results]) << Contact ; "Tried") and (([Child not seen] participant) = "Yes")) [No hair] Order by [Id]; If I understand your needs correctly then the following questions should do whatever you want:    

< P> [No hair has been seen] Enter the ID from where [no selection [child can not be seen] .ID [child not shown] On [hair does not appear] on hair [hair does not look] [CHILD NOT SEEN_PUL] ]. CHILD_Name = [Child's care]. CHALSENME UNION SELECTED [Child Scene_pul]. [Child's SinGroup] From [Hair Scene_ Pull] [hair does not look]. [CHILD SEEN_PUL]] [CHILD NO]. [Child does not look.] .ddd_name) As always, make sure to make a backup copy of your data before using the DELETE query, it just does not work like this Really want to do it

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