Friday 15 February 2013

c# - Error while creating asp:Chart -

I am trying to create charts with 2 series and 2 chartarrias. I have the following code: < Pre> protected zero performance data () {var surveyResult = SurveyResult.ListSurveyResult (this.SurveyID); (Series of series = new series); (for Int i = 0; Survey Result.Count; I ++); Chain. Name = i.ToString (); Chain. Chart Aria = "Chartered" + Eye. Toasting (); Chain. Chart type = serijttypep; p; Datapoint point = new datapoint (); Point.SetValueY (Convert.ToInt32 (surveyResult [i] .Person_Count)); Point.AxisLabel = surveyResult [i]. Answer: Series.Points.Add (point); Chartere chart Aria = new chartaray (); ChartArea.Name = "ChartArea" + i.ToString (); Chart1.ChartAreas.Add (chartArea); Chart1.Series.Add (series); } Chart1.datind (); }

I'm getting ' error in executing child requests for ChartImg.axd. 'I also get the error

  & lt; Add key = "ChartImageHandler" value = "storage = file; timeout = 20;" / & Gt;   

In web.config file but without success Does anyone know what this problem is about?

After additional searching on the web, I found that I should add the following code:

  & lt; Add path = "ChartImg.axd" verb = "GET, HEAD, POST" type = "System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting.ChartHttpHandler, System Web.DataVisualization, version =, culture = neutral, public keynote = 31bf3856ad364e35 "Valid =" wrong "/>   

In the web.config file.

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