There are 5 rows (1,000 000 rows in total) with a handful of large files:
< P> c6 c24 c32 c54 c67
c6 c24 c32 c51 c68 c78
c6 c32 c54 c67
c6 c32 c55 c63 c 85 c94 c75
c6 c32 c53 c67
Readline () can read one line at a time from 1 rows. When I want to read the 20001 line, readLines () is not so efficient, use the R function to read and delete one from a large file Can be done for a specific line. About using
Scan , which has both a
(" Myfile ", skip = 20000, nlines = 1)
scan and
nlines leave the argument
me though Not sure about deletion, usually with R, everything is possible, but I think if you want to make a complete copy of the original file, before you complete the line By the way, sans that specific Nkti you are referencing.
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