Friday 15 February 2013

ruby on rails - Paperclip with sidekiq -

I am using paperclip to upload files. Has anyone used it with sidekicks for background jobs?

I was trying to achieve something similar to some railway 383 (to upload to Amazon S3), but with paperclip and sidekick.

I did not get much information to use with Sidekick with it, I am thinking that I should change for the carrier or if there is any example for paperclip and sidekick (fancy installer and delayed jobs not with).

I think what you are looking for is delayed strip clip Mani:

According to Gem, there is a good ActiveCard API, so that you can do something like this:

  Class User & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base has_attached_file: avatar, styles = & gt; {: Medium = & gt; "300x300";,: thumb = & gt; "100x100 & gt;" } Process_in_background: Avatar End    

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