I am trying to embed a flash file in one page, and have tried several variations below Two ways:
swfobject There is nothing to keep track of the page yield, but the following is output to the browser: I have also tried it for consultation without any profit. I have also tried to add it in many ways, as described. This flash file has been successfully embedded on another website, and I have copied it to HTML here (fixing the path): What am I doing? Edit: The following piper support, I have changed the code to: However, it is still not working quite a lot. The new HTML, which is output, is as follows: For starters, you are accidentally passing flashwars in the form of parameters. Second, you do not need to pass most of those parameters, because they have already taken care of them. The first argument in SWFObject is: The correct sequence of arguments is: Therefore your code should be: For more information about swfobject logic, see.
& lt; Head & gt; & Lt;% = javascript_include_tag 'swfobject.js'% & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; . . . & Lt; Div id = "dragndrop" & gt; Adobe Flash is required to see it & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Var flashvars; Var params = {movie: "lt;% = asset_path ('flash / drag-n-drop-w-action 3b swf')%>", background: "#FFFFF", quality: "high"} ; Swfobject.embedSWF ("& lt;% = asset_path ('flash / drag-n-drop-w-action3b.swf')%>", "dragandrop", "100%", "100%", "6.0 .0 ", false, advisory); & Lt; / Script & gt;
& lt; Object id = "dragndrop" width = "100%" height = "100%" type = "app / x-shockwave-flash" data = "/ asset / flash / drag-en-dop-w-action 3b sff" Style = "visibility: visible;" & Gt; & Lt; Param name = "flashvars" value = "movie = / assets / flash / drag-n-drop-w-action3b.swf and background = # FFFFFF and quality = high" & gt; & Lt; / Object & gt;
& lt; Object width = "100%" height = "100%" align = "" codebase = "http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0, 0 "Classic =" clayed: D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000 "& gt; & Lt; Param value = "property / flash / drag-n-drop-w-action 3b swf" name = "movie" & gt; & Lt; Param value = "high" name = "quality" & gt; & Lt; Param value = "#ffff" name = "bgi rarara" & gt; & Lt; Embed width = "100%" height = "100%" align = "" pluginspage = "http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type = "application / x-shockw-flash" bgcolor = "#fffff "Quality =" high "src =" / property / flash / drag-n-drop-w-action 3b swf "& gt; & Lt; / Object & gt;
var params = {Background: "#FFFFFF",}; Swfobject.embedSWF ("& lt;% = asset_path ('flash / drag-n-drop-w-action3b.swf')%>", "dragandrop", "100%", "100%", "6.0 .0 ", false, false, params);
object object = "dragonpress" width = "100%" height = "100%" type = "application / x-shock - WiFlash "Data =" / Asset / Flash / Drag-n-Drop-W-Action 3b SWF "Style =" Visibility: Visible; "& gt; & Lt; Param name = "background" value = "#fffff" & gt; & Lt; / Object & gt;
movie the ultimate. Default for
Quality = High Flash Player and no need to specify. I believe
#FFFFFF is also the default background color, but to specify it There will not be injury for you.
var params = {background: "#FFFFFF",}; Swfobject.embedSWF ("& lt;% = asset_path ('flash / drag-n-drop-w-action3b.swf')%>", "dragandrop", "100%", "100%", "6.0 .0 ", false, false, params);
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