Thursday 15 May 2014

feed - Facebook share via app loads two popups -

The problem can be seen here

ui two popups on sharing through the FB application Loads ??? ? Feed talk and blank page problem can not be found Any idea why this happens and how to solve it?

  objFB = {method: 'feed', link: document.location.href, picture: FullPath Image + numimg + ".jpg",  

Name: dataBl.title, Caption: dataBl.title, Description: Datababel ['Text description']}; _share = _share.replace (/ href = "javascript:; / g, 'onclic =' posttofid (); return back;" '); $ ("." + Mainbloccloss + "# overlay_" + mainblocclass) .html ( _Share; breakdown;}}; (function (d) {FB.init ({appId: "151107748411463", position: true, cookie: true}};} (document)) function postToFeed (function callback Response) {/*console.log(response);*/} FB.ui (objFB, callback);}

All I'm getting is when I'm trying to share you FB

  An error occurred. Try again in. API error code: 1 API error Description: An unknown error occurred Error message: kError 1349040: Invalid App ID: The provided app id is invalid.   

I Said that your page can be seen by you as you can see, which is always useful for finding errors in Facebook communications.

Firstly check your app ID in your code.

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