Thursday 15 May 2014

java - Error SevenZipJBinding in dynamic web project -

I am using seven ZIP jabings to uncompress a .tar file in dynamic web projects, I keep my jar in it and when I go it gives me this error:

  java.lang.NoClassDefFound error: Net / SF / Sezipzbing / IInStream com.sun.faces.facelets ( at el.TagMethodExpression.invoke   

What does this mean?

And how to fix it?

This means that invoke class com.sun.faces Uses class or interface in .facelets.el.TagMethodExpression Net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.IInStream in the source code of the source file it was compiled ( ), but the classloader is no longer able to find that square (it is probably missing), although it was likely present at the compile time (unless manually bytectoded it was not edited.)

M Zhe not sure if you want that W, but it is certainly asked for you.

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