Thursday 15 May 2014

ruby - Didactic/complete non blog/cms rails tutorials -

I know Ruby for a while, but a month ago, the rail has never been used seriously, I am currently a PHP developer, but I get a railway job which will start soon and will be able to run as fast as possible. Can get the same speed for.

I finished the train for the corpse, bought a course in udemy which I did not like, checked some books, and followed some tutorials, but most of them were very trivial, and they All were a blog or cm.

I wonder if there is any other preachy / detailed rail tutorial, app, shopping cart, ARP etc.

I saw the railway's book, but it takes a little while longer.

tl; Dr For a full explanation, weil has considered a Rail Tutorial which is not a blog

Many people

What did I do when I started learning the rail:

  • View all
  • Start any project and apply new learned stuff

    Tutorials should help to understand the railroad works. After this, you should be able to understand what is about railways (or any other small tutorial), and be able to implement it.

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