Friday 15 January 2010

AutoHotkey script not starting while running Skyrim -

Before the overwriting of the game, I want to use a simple script to back up the existing script. Basically, I want every time I hit F5, there is a new saved file:

  F5 :: oldquate: = "c: \ users \ me \ documents \ My Games \ Skyrim \ Saves \ quicksave. "FileGetTime, CustomMem,% OldKidsWave% BACKUPFilename: =" C: \ USER \ I \ DOCUMENTS \ MY GAME \ SCHEME \ SERVICES \ OLDICKSKEKEV " Copy of Qstime "OS" file,% OldQuickSave%,% BackupFileName% SendPlay {F5} Return   

This works out of the game, but when the game is played, the order is not up to autoshook Reaches. Game saves, as it should be, but the script has not started. It seems that I never pressed the key. My guess is that SkyRime uses direct input to read the keyboard, it consumes the incident and does not send it forward, is there any workaround? Or any other solution to create a new savegame file for each quick sharing?

I found an alternate solution using the following:

  Label: KeyWith, F5, D Old Skyssev: = "C: \ User \ My \ Documents \ My Game \ Skym \ s \ QuickSave.ess" FileGetTime, qstime,% OldQuickSave% BackupFileName: = "c: \ User \ In the case of pressing for the "Long" period of Qstime "Long" period, "Fire", "Old Quick Savvy %%",% backup file name% Sleep, 5000 Geto, label   

There is sleep to stop many executions. I am still curious who went wrong for the first time.

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