Friday 15 January 2010

java - GWT 2.5.1 and IntelliJ debug mode, serializable exception -

I'm running IntelliJ 12.1 for a GWT project. I can not get GWT configuration to work, I'm getting a serialization exception.

I am using Maven and Tomt and I'm running Web App Project from Maven. Like I create a project / webpad from that directory and run a tomcat from that directory.


  java.lang.RuntimeException: Client.rpc.IncompatibleRemoteServiceException: the response can not be deserialized  < / Pre> 

Here are my settings for GWT configuration:

  -noserver -port 8080 -logLevel DEBUG -war / User / Bibbon / Projects / SRC / Web / Target / My 13.06 .04 - SNAPSHOT - Startup URL Home.I   

Ironically, if I run remote debugging, example: < P> mvn gwt: debug -Dgwt.noserver = true

and then Launch remote debugging from IntelliJ (Do not use GWT mode), I get 't numbering error.

The class is a simple enum. I am creating a simple RPC service call and at the initial call, I get the top mistake:

  Implementation of the public sector status SerialJobs, Iscierable (running, disabled) < / Code>  

I tried to clear all the cache files and clean the target directory but I got the same error.

How can I run the IntelliJ GWT configuration without this error?

Try "text">

Try the mvn clean install on the whole project (but I hope you tried it ...) and mvn gwt: clean On the GWT part. Also delete compiled / temporary files in src / main / webapp /

And if this is actually the problem of IntelliJ cache, then try file - & gt; Invalid cache .

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