Monday 15 March 2010

java - Stateful Session Bean and HTTP Session -

Is there a relation between sessionfile session and HTTP session? What are the use cases, where we require a Stateful Session Bean and whether the use of HTTP sessions is required. Can I expose statewide session beans as a trusted web service? HTTP is a stateless protocol This means that this is the actual transport protocol between the server and the client - Em> "Stateless because it does not remember anything between invocations. Now it has already read that what is HTTpsession and what is the session Bean (Keep in mind that the use of seasoned beans on the data status of many requests It is done to maintain, therefore most session is a state session because it is Ray holds data in session)

HTTP Sessions A HTTP object can hold interactive positions in many requests from the same client. In other words, this is a complete session with a specific client We can use it to get everything back from the client, we request it during the customer's session.
Sessions Bean from Java Platform, Enterprise Edition In The specifications, a session is a type of enterprise enterprise bean. A session performs operations for the Bean customer, such as math or database access. Although a session bean can be transitional, it is not recoverable when a system crashes. Session Bean objects can not be either stateless or maintain interactive positions in all methods and transactions. If Session Bean maintains the state, EJB container manages this situation if the object should be removed from memory. However, Sessions Bean objects themselves should manage their continuous data. In simple words

Session tracking is the process of maintaining information about websites of the site, or state, because they go from page to page, some require web developer work Because there is no underlying mechanism for this. Stateless Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
SFSB's many calls are designed for managed customer status, Same Same (i.e. a conversation) ) If you look at Jebus Seam, you will see that SFSB is very heavy to use for reference. There is no such thing in EJB 3, "Stateless session is better than beans". For example, a service like a credit card processor (Stateless) provides and provides resources for a multi-screen wizard usage case (statewide).
In my opinion Management Status Using HTTPS session and Stateless session beans is very difficult and problematic

Edit: session session HTTpession is used to keep a user session like tracking - for example, if you want to create a login, you want to create a logout system, then you will need HTTPSession because when the user starts navigation between different pages This HTTP centenary will remember that WHO is asking for pages, otherwise it is not possible (because HTTP is a stateless protocol)
Now in the session, you just set a session for username and password and you can check on every page. If this is present in this session then show the page

What will happen now, will you have to send many information of this user to many requests? In this scenario, you will set up all this information in a Stateful Session Bean - but now one day, the modern setting session as well as information, everything is stored in the beans because it is easy to manage them with seasonal beans.
HTTpsession was used when we were completely on the serlet and any kind of JSP technologies

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