Monday 15 March 2010

What's the difference between JSON.load and JSON.parse methods of Ruby lib? -

From the Ruby document, I can see that the load method assumes a proc as arg while < Code> does not parse Is there any other difference? Say, when I have the string of JSON, then what method should I change it to a Ruby object?

Load (source, proc = nil, options = {}) Load a ruby ​​data structure from a JSON source and return it to either a source or a string -It can be an object, respond like an IO-like object, or an object reading method. If proc was given, then with any nested ruby ​​object in depth it will be said in the first order as a logic. Alternatively, the default option can also change the default option. This method is part of the implementation of the load / dump interface of Marshall and YAML. Also aliased as: Restored

Pars (source, opts = {}) Parsing JSON document source in a ruby ​​data structure and return it.

JSON # parse A JSON string parsing in Ruby hash Does.

  JSON.parse ('{"name": "some names"}') # = & gt; {"Name" = & gt; "Some names"}   

JSON # load takes either a string or IO (file etc.) and converts ruby ​​hash / arrays

  JSON.load ("names.json") # = & gt; Inside the file, JSON and Ruby objects read the results. In fact, it changes any object that responds to  #read >.  code> method for example:  
  initialize class ADR @ a = '{"name": "some names"}' end def Is read @a and json.load (ANUE) # = & gt; {"Name" = & gt; "Some names"}    

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