Monday 15 August 2011

plist - ObjectiveC saving images in tableview -

I currently have a table view that can be populated with user data - both text and an image.

When the app is released, I always save all the text in a text file. All images are saved as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 dot jpg but the problem is that when I delete a line, I can not assume that indexpath.row JPG is the correct image because it varies .

So the question is - How is the best way to save images?


Just a "image name" in your table view data source Keep the array and save it with the text as a list file (so that you get the image. Plist and text.plist). When you remove the rows, you remove the images from your images. Related Text in Pllist and Text

A good way to store and show data in table views is the coreata, though it looks a lot, it is worth working with:

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