Thursday 15 March 2012

c# - Validate textbox on key down event to accept only numbers in silverlight 4 -

I need a verification to check whether the key pressed is numeric or not. I tried with a different code, but they can not help me. In the text box, if users press Shift + number , then this special letter like !, @, # displays ... .. I Shift + key Down event must be valid

// code

  private zero txtNumericTextbox_KeyDown (Object Sender, KeyEventArgs e) {try (if.Ekey & lt ; Key.D0 || e.Key> Key.D9) {if (e.Key & lt; Key.NumPad0 || e.Key & gt; Key.NumPad9) {if (e.Key! = Key .Back) {txtNumericTextbox_.BorderBrush = New SolidColorBrush (Colors.Red); LblErrorMessage. Visibility = visibility Visible; LblErrorMessage.Text = "Please only enter numbers"; } Other {txtNumericTextbox_.BorderBrush = New SolidColorBrush (Colors.DarkGray); LblErrorMessage. Visibility = visibility Collapsed; LblErrorMessage.Text = ""; }}}}}   

How can I get it?

To determine whether the key to change is being organized, you can modify the Modifier Keys Property You can use it on the controls.

// code

Use it only to accept numerical values ​​if you use textBox1_KeyDown nonnumberenter = false; You can select

 , then the event (if e.kcode and lieutenant; key.d.e. e.k.kode> key.d9) {if (e.KeyCode & lt; Keys NumPad0 || E.KeyCode & gt; Keys .NumPad9) {if (e.KeyCode! = Keys.Back) {nonnumberenter = true; String abc = "Please only enter numbers."; DialogResult result1 = Message Box. Show (abc.ToString (), "valid number", MessageBoxButtons.OK); }}} If (control. Modifier keys == key shift) {nonnumberenter = true; String abc = "Please only enter numbers."; DialogResult result1 = Message Box. Show (abc.ToString (), "valid number", MessageBoxButtons.OK); }   

Use it to accept letters only. Event, you can select text box 1_press

  if (four .nnn (e.k.k.k.)) four. ISI Sombol (E.Chetcher) || Four ISH Whitespace (E.Chetcher) || Four (E.Keker)) {message box. Show ("only four are allowed"); E.Handled = True; }   

Hope this helps.

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