Thursday 15 March 2012

LinqPad Test Looks For Correct DB But Queries Wrong One -

I have created a connection in LINQPad which uses the IFDBTXtex of a project. When I can get it to a table query, but when it creates a whole new schema.

Therefore, when I create a connection (entity framework POCO connection), when I click "Examiner" I find:

SELECT Count from SEse.databases (*) Where [name] = N'mydatabase '

But when I run the ethics. (100) I see:

SELECT data (*) from sys.databases where [name] = N'UserQuery '

After all the orders to generate the schema. What I'm doing wrong to read data in mydatabase

I found:

And it has been fixed by adding this line of code to my DBContext file: < P> Public FDBContex (): Base ("Madabase") {}

It is certain that it is still a known bug or there is a problem with me, because I beta Tried and still the same problem Or was.

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