I Statement to be coded R code using ifelse Where, Next, I work to see if and ifel combination: This code is fine, but there is a warning message (because I have only been working with vector since I will use the Note that I for the case of NA X <0. You You can use the example for example: But personally I like the first one for readability, apart from this, you probably need to change the column name. if and
ifelse . Sample data is tested and there are columns for X, Y, and Z testing.)
if (X & Gt; 0) {if (y> gt;) {l = 2} and {l = 5} if (z> 0) {m = l + 2} and {m = 5}}
test $ l < -with (test, ifelse ((x> 0 & amp; y> 0), 2, ifelse ((x> 0 & amp; y; lt; = 0), 5, ???) )) Tested $ m < -with (test, ifelse ((> 0 & amp; z> 0), l + 2, ifelse (X & gt; 0 & amp; z> & lt; = 0), 5, ??? )))
??? Specifies that there is no value according to the statement given above on
if (test $ z> 0) { $ L
z is a column vector)
if (test $ z> gt; 0) {length of position & gt; 1 and only the first element will be used
apple but, in this regard, I have no There is no luck. Any ideas?
transform twice for example:
Testing & lt; - data.frame (x = c (-1,1,2), y = c (1, -2,3), z = c (1, -5,5)) test (LIT) - transform (test, M = ifelse (x> 0, ifelse (z> 0), transform (test, l = ifelse (x> 0, ifelse (y> 0, 5, L + 2,5), NA) ) Xyzlm 1 -1 1 1 NA NA 2 1 -2 -5 5 5 3 2 3 5 2 4
test & lt; - data.frame (x = c (-1,1,2), y = c (1, - 2) , 3), Z = C (1, -5,5)) transform (test, L & l; - iFeil (x> 0, affile (y> 2.25), NA), M = Eiffel ( X> 0, ifell (z> 0, l + 2,5), ny)) xyz c.NA..5..2.m -1 -1 1 1a 2 2 2 -2.55 5 3 2 3 5 2 4
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