Friday 15 March 2013 - Have to specify Assembly name for all class references -

VS 2010, .NET 4.0, VB, EF 4.4

In my web application deployment I had problems on server ... error "Could not load type" when I try to run it on server Googling was doing around I also found that there should not be a "App_Code" folder in my web app (shared with other corporate web sites but copying code) so I used to route all sections from App_Code to root ("BLL" One of our code libraries' namespaces) Moved Older.

Now when I VS If I run the app in the IDE then I get the error "Configuration error. Type could not be loaded 'BLL.Roles'" coming from the load of web.config. If I add the assembly name of the app in front of "BLL.Rolls"; "APNAMLLolls" I get out of this line and I get an error in the next reference of "BLL".

I have a Klein and my project is rebuilding.

Why are sections not being recognized as part of the app?

I may be wrong but I believe because you are using a web site and web No applications only Access classes that are in the App_Code folder. If you are working with a web application, then you can access sections, even if they are inside the folder. In that case you may have to move your files into a new project which is under an application format and not a web site format. I will try to move your files into a web application project.

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