Friday 15 March 2013

ios - How can i add a video as a HUD element in iphone sdk -

I want to add a video that when I call it, but a normal (segment-to-bound) view Do not look similar to HUD to see how to load and background dark in the middle How can I load a video from LBYoutubeController or basically? Thanks!

EDIT: Ideally it will take up to 60-70% of the screen in the video box, but again it will be centered and the background will be filtered

You must use a MPMoviePlayerController . You can set controlStyle to MPMovieControlStyleEmbedded and this will not give you a player, which has no control. To make the video correspond to the frame you set regardless of the natural layout of the video, set scaling mode to MP3 MPVascalingModelFile . Just add your player's view to your view hierarchy and you're ready to go.

  MPVPlayer Controller * Movie Player = [[MPVVplayer controller ALLOCK] INS]; Movieplayer.scalingMode = MPVScachingModelFilm; Movieplayer.controlStyle = MPVM Controlled Styles Embedded; [MyView addSubview: moviePlayer.view];   

To add a dimming view behind it:

  UIView * back = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame: myView.bounds]; Back.backgroundColor = UIColor.blackColor; Back.alpha = 0.7; [MyView insertSubview: back downviewview: myView];    

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