Hi! I am developing an application in which I am creating a webview. Using that webview, I want to load the next URL after completing the URL first. I wrote and looks like the removable method After the ARC you are using, you get rid of Also, try - (void) webViewDidFinishLoad: (UIWebView *) WebView as
- (zero) webViewDidFinishLoad: (UIWebView *) WebView {[UIApplication sharedApplication]. Network ActiveUser Access = No; Alert_view = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle: @ "\ n \ nSend data successfully!" Message: Zero Rep: Auto cancel Tutanitile: any other button titles: zero, zero]; [Show warning_view]; [Warning_view release]; [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: 3.0 targets: self selector: @selector (removeAlert :) userInfo: repeats not equal to: NO]; }
- Delete (delete) Delete: (ID) Sender {[remove alert_view ToggleButtonButton Index: Animated 1: Yes]; [Web LoadRestaurant: [arr ObjectAddindex: 1]; }
arr array contains all the requested requests whenever the
removeAlert method is killed directly
- (zero) Webview: didFailLoadWithError: The method is removed. So please tell me how can I load another request for the first time after the end of one?
[alert_view release] Should get it. Warning view can not be maintained, and that can be contributed to that problem
[self performSelector: @selector (removeAlert :) withObject: afterDelay zero: 3.0] ;. and see if that works, instead of your
NSTimer call.
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