Monday 15 April 2013

jquery autocomplete with dialog updating value -

I have a form that opens in the dialog, one of the fields is autocomplete. All fields are created and the server values ​​are stored in them to fill out the form.

  var mydiv = jQuery ("#formform"); Var $ myform = jQuery ("form id = 'EditForm' method = 'post' action = 'index.php? Option = com_component and task = edit' & gt; & lt; / form & gt;"); ... var $ mylabel10 = jQuery (= 'edit' for label & gt; one label & lt; / label & gt; "); Var $ myinput9 = jQuery ("input id = 'choose edit' name = 'select edit' type = 'text' / & gt;"); Var $ mylabel9 = jQuery (= 'Edit Selection 2' & gt; Other labels for label & lt; / label & gt; "); Var $ myinput8 = jQuery ("& lt; input id = 'edit selection 2' name = 'add_path' value = '" + path + "' / & gt;"); // Path Server is a value passed from $ myform.append ($ $ mylabel10, $ myinput9, $ mylabel9, $ myinput8); Mydiv.append ($ MyForm); / / Autocomplete code-order autocomplete Dialog is available to exit [= label: 'foo', value: 'bar'}, {label: 'xyz', value: 'abc'}, ...]; JQuery ("#Edit Selection", MIDI) Auto complete ({source: available, focus: function}} {return false;}}) .on ('autocompletselect', function (e, ui) {var t = jQuery (this), description = jQuery ('# Edit '' Selection 2 '), label = (e.type ==' autocompleteresponse '? Ui.content [0] .label: ui.item.label), value = (e.type ==' autocompleteresponse '? Ui. Content [0] .value: ui.item.value); t.val (label); details.val (value); // does not update the form here? Return false;}); // Automatically get reference to the element auto autoComplete = jQuery ("# ​​edit", mydiv). Autocomplete ("widget"); Var dialogOpts = {modal: true, autoOpen: true, resizable: false, width: 525, height: 'auto', title: 'edit settings'}; Mydiv.dialog (dialogOpts); AutoComplete.insertAfter (mydiv.parent ());   

This is an autocomplete in the editing dialog, when it is selected, it should update the other input fields ( # EditSelect2 ). Currently # EditSet2 has the value from the server (variable path ).

When a new value is chosen from autocomplete, then I hope the form will be updated due to this code: details.val (value); AutoComplete works now but the server does not get updated after selecting a new choice in the autocomplete value ( path ).

Hope this is prudent.

There is a small syntax error in your myinput8 statement:

  $ myinput8 = JQuery ("& lt; Input id = 'Edit Selection 2' name = 'add_path' value = '" + path + "/>;);   

should be:

  $ myinput8 = jQuery ("& lt; input id = 'edit selection 2' name = 'add_path' value = ' "+ Path +" '/ / ";););   

Finally focus on additional single quotes.

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