Tuesday 15 April 2014

actionscript 3 - Login to facebook in a as3 application -

I am trying to get my as3 application to connect to Facebook using SDK for Flash. However, most tutorials on Internet talkology about using PHP, JS or Flex.

Is there any way to login to Facebook as only 3?

I will not go to Adobe's SCC, Adobe does not need to maintain it, and when From this it maps to JS API only and calls it through the external interface, then you call the FB call in your HTML in JS and through AS3 to external interface itself.
Ensures that you will be using the latest JS API and there will be no broken code in Facebook every time.
When Facebook changes something in its API, update your JS code, but leave the intolerance that it is expected that Adobe will allocate resources to update Facebook SEC. In essence, it is easy to use native JS API. Congratulations!

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