Tuesday 15 April 2014

java - how do I get a List of Key values in ParameterMap (Spring) -

I have a ParameterMap set different standards entirely different scenarios that hava

What I need One string is the array of "keys" in ParameterMap

I am getting the nearest report. ToString (); To find out the output below which I use here hereby

  Paramamitrmap report Parashoms = Sndrbkgetrekstparametrs (); Println (reportParams.toString ());   

// Output

Map ['Username' - & gt; 'User', 'Decorate' - & gt; 'No', 'Decorator' - & gt; 'Empty', 'Ajax' - & gt; 'True', '_eventId' - & gt; 'Refresh Report', 'VAFactor Selection' - & gt; '1', 'Campus and Factility' - & gt; Array [ '111', '113', '115', '118', '112', '114', '116', '117', 21 ', 907', ​​21 ', 908', '99040', '99, 010 ',' 99100 ',' 99230 ',' 99240 '],' _flowExecutionKey '- & gt; 'E4s1', 'report language' - & gt; '3', 'Date' - & gt; '2013/06/20', 'Name Type 2' - & gt; '1', 'Confirmation' - & gt; 'Right']

So what I want the end result

username, decorating, decorator, Ajax, _ecentId, VEFactorSelection, CampusAndFaculty, _flowExecutionKey, ReportLanguage, date, nameType2 Confirm this thing

I have tried this parameter parameter report = paragraphs = context.getRequestParameters (); Last list & lt; String & gt; Name = new arreelist & lt; String & gt; (); (For the last object o: reportParams.asMap () .sets ()) names.add ((string) o); Last string [] array = names.toArray (new string [names.size ()]); Println (array [0]); // This part is used only to see if I get the output

The end result of the above code:

======== ====== ===================== org.springframework.beans.ConversionNotSupportedException: required type to change a property value of type 'Javakutil for .LinkedHashMap 'Fail' org.hibernate .mapping.Map 'for property' read-only 'Exporters'; The nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: [java.util.LinkedHashMap] can not convert the value of the type of the required type [org.hibernate.mapping.Map] to the property 'readOnlyConfiguredExporters': found in a similar editor or conversion strategy

=============================== some extra

here The text "itemprop =" text ">

will do this

  after the" parameterMap is the API "  

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