Tuesday 15 April 2014

initialization - error initialize OFBiz 10.04 without demo data -

We have tested the release of the 10.04.05 release for a while and would like to go into beta with it. So I'm trying to initialize the set Ofijh 10:04:05 and then was loaded $ ant run-install-extseed Run just extseed data

I applied. https: // localhost: 8443 / ofbizsetup

for initial setup I am able to fill the first 2 tabs, organization and feature < / Code>. However, I have a problem with the third tab, product store . When I fill out the "Store Name" field for MyStore , I get the following error -

The following errors occurred:

  error: entity error in parsing the XML file: OrgkofbizkentitykGenericEntityException: error inserting [Jenerikantiti: Kariyrshipment mode] [Bnaiastanp, 2013-06-21 11: 13: 26.664 (Java SQL. Temestamp) [Created Texstamp, 2013-06-21 11: 13: 26.433 (Java SQL.Temstamp)] [Last Updated Stamp, 2013-06-21 11:13: 26.664 (Go Sql.temestamp) [Last updated TxStamp, 2013-06- 21 11: 13: 26.433 (Java SQLTemstamp)] [Party id, 10000 (java lung string)] [rollipip id, carrier (java lang) String]] [sequence number, 4 (java.long.long)] [shipmentMethodTypeId, LOCAL_DELIVERY (java.lang.String)] (SQL exceptions while executing the following ?? (INSERT INTO CARRIER_SHIPMENT_METHOD (SHIPMENT_METHOD_TYPE_ID, PARTY_ID, ROLE_TYPE_ID, SEQUENCE_NUMBER , CARRIER_SERVICE_CODE, LAST_UPDATED_STAMP, LAST_UPDATED_TX_STAMP, CREATED_STAMP, CREATED_TX_STAMP) values ​​,,,?,?,?,?,?,?)? (Can not add or update a child's line: A foreign key constraint fails (`ofbiz` .`CARRIER_SHIPMENT_METHOD`, CONSTRAINT` CARR_SHMETH_TYPE` foreign key (` SHIPMENT_METHOD_TYPE_ID`) reference 'SHIPMENT_METHOD_TYPE' (`SHIPMENT_METHOD_TYPE_ID`)) )) ImportTempDataFile is calling service parseEntityXmlFile   

I am trying to create a shop! Anyway, I can not seem to move forward if I do a $ ant run-install then it works fine, but it also loads many demo data we have with OFBiz Want to proceed without all the demo data

What is the best way to go around this? This error says that there is no LOCAL_DELIVERY record in the shipment method method unit.

  & lt; Shipments Meteotype Details = "Local Delivery" Shipment Method I = "LOCAL_DELIVERY" />   

But I would recommend trying with OFBiz 12.04 (I see no reason to use the old Offices version 10.04.05).

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