Tuesday 15 April 2014

jsf 2 - p: inputText freezes when I update the form -

I am using JSF 2 with Primus 3.5 and I have the following problem: p: freeze the input text When I update the form I have the following code in my XHTML:

  & lt; P: Panel visible = "# {clientesMB.renderPanelEditPerFirmas}" ID = "PanelEdit Empressa" Header = "Personality Personality" & gt; & Lt; H: Panel Grid Column = "2" & gt; & Lt; H: outputtext value = "number: *" style = "font-size: 12px" /> & Lt; P: InputText value = "# {clientesMB.personaFirma}" style = "width: 400px;" Label = "text" /> & Lt; / H: panelGrid & gt; & Lt; P: DataTab ID = "quarters tabla" var = "car" value = "# {clientesMB.selectedEmpCliente.personasFirmas}" widgetVar = "carsTable" & gt; & Lt; F: Aspect Name = "Header" & gt; Listed persons & lt; / F: Aspect & gt; & Lt; P: column header text = "number" style = "width: 25%" & gt; & Lt; H: output text value = "# {car.nombre}" /> & Lt; / P: column & gt; & Lt; P: column style = "width: 4%" exportable = "wrong" & gt; & Lt; P: command button icon = "select button" onclick = "confirmation.show ()" icon = "UI-icon-trash" title = "Eleminer" & gt; & Lt; F: setPropertyActionListener value = "# {car}" target = "# {clientesmb.personaFirmasSelect}" /> & Lt; / P: CommandButton & gt; & Lt; / P: column & gt; & Lt; / P: DataTable & gt; & Lt; / P: Panel & gt;   

When I call confirmation and I click Yes, the output text is freeze if I refresh all the pages then the output text work is fine. This is confirmation:

  & lt; P: confirmDialog id = "confirmDialog" message = "Is reality expired?" Header = "Mensage de Confircce" "Seriousness =" alert "widgetVR =" Confirmation ">  & lt; p: command button id = "reject" value = "no" onclick = "confirmation.hide ()" type = "button" / & Gt; & lt; / p: confirmDialog & gt;   

In the form2, the panel is "panelEditEmpresa", and confirmDialog is in another form.

I have used your code and let me know your problem Or not, what did you use Ajax to input text? (Baluessi :)

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