Tuesday 15 April 2014

vb.net - Selecting one or more rows in a datatable -

I have a data format composed of a CSV file scanning and it stores the data correctly in datatates then I want to be able to use my mouse to select one or more rows in that DT, although I do not know how to do it. Here is the code that creates the table:

  dt.Column.Add ("mouse command") dt.Column.Add ("mouse position") string = "," Use the new TextField parser (file) parser as the parser. Setdimimatres (delimiter) parser. Readline () parser Readline () parser Readfold () while not parser.andoffdata 'Read fields = parser in fields for current line fields. Reedfeld () R = Dt.NewRow R ("mouse command") = field (0) r ("mouse position") = field (2) dt.rows.Add (r) end   < / Div> 

A data is not a user interface, it is used for data storage. You will need to force your data array into any type of UI creation, such as Gridview - and then worry about your mouse clicks.

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