Thursday 15 May 2014

java - Convert BufferedImage to Image data type -

I am trying to retrieve the blob data type from the database table and displaying the image in the image view . Here my selection is the SQL statement:

  recover the public boolean () {Boolean success = false; Results set rs = null; Dbctrroler db = new dbctrower (); Db.getConnection (); String dbQuery = "SELECT * smROMproduct WHERE productName = '" + + name + "'"; == db.readRequest (dbQuery); try {if ( ()) {desc = rs.getString ("productDescription") ; Value = rs.getInt ("product value"); quantity = rs.getInt ("product quantity"); DateStr = rs.getString ("dateoffification"); category = rsgetstring ("productcategory"); blob blob = r .jetblob ("product image"); byte [] data = blob.getBytes (0, (int) blob.length ()); Image = (new bytereinputstream (data)); // error here success = true ;}} Hold (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace ();} Db.terminate (); Return to Success;}   

Recovery After I am done, I want to display it in an image view. Here is the code:

  panel.getMyImageView (). SetImage (product.getImage ());  < / Pre> 

However, I have received an incompatible type error message. I know that image = (new byteInputTerms); this line should be stored as a buffard image and then from there I - Change the image to datatype and display it in the image view. But after 2 hours of research, I could not find any luck. Can anyone help me with it?

Thanks in advance.

  Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit (). CreateImage (data)   

Read it from Blob for the byte array

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