Thursday 15 May 2014

.net assembly - What does this text mean at the end of .exe file? -

I've seen this text at the end of a lot of .exe files. Could it tell me what language was written in the .exe file? I think this is one of the reasons for Microsoft references. NET language can be.

  & lt ;! - Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation - & gt; & Lt ;! - Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation All Rights Reserved. Authors: Gary Module Name: wextract.manifest Abstract: Wexxtract.exe appearing to support IExpress - & gt; & Lt; Assembly xmlns = "vase: schemas-microsoft-com: asm.v1" manifestVersion = "1.0" & gt; & Lt; Assembly Identity Version = "" Processor Arctarchar = "x86" name = "vextract" type = "win32" /> & Lt; Details & gt; IExpress extraction tool & lt; / Description & gt; & Lt; Dependency & gt; & Lt; DependentAssembly & gt; & Lt; Assembly Identity type = "win32" name = "Microsoft.Windows.Common-Control" version = "" Processor Architect = "x86" public keyToken = "6595b64144ccf1df" language = "*" /> & Lt; / DependentAssembly & gt; & Lt; / Dependencies & gt; & Lt ;! - Identify application security requirements - & gt; & Lt; TrustInfo xmlns = "karash: schema-microsoft-com: asm.v3" & gt; & Lt; Security & gt; & Lt; RequestedPrivileges & gt; & Lt; Requested execution level level = "asInvoker" uiAccess = "false" /> & Lt; / RequestedPrivileges & gt; & Lt; / Safety & gt; & Lt; / TrustInfo & gt; & Lt; / Assembly & gt;   

Except this part, the other files are just nonsense, I opened the file in Notepad ++.

This is the manifest program for It is embedded as a resource, similar to an icon. Contains configuration information that focuses on Windows

Dependency element for Microsoft Windows Mango-control tells Windows that it wants XP version of Visual style themes for its control, not legacy Windows 2000 look-and-impression.

The requested privilege element declares the program compatible with the UAC and it does not need to lie to do verbotton to write it without any unchanged programs such as C : Windows directory or HLL registry keys.

A manifest may contain additional entries for DLL that are stored in the side-by-side cache (C: \ Windows Windows). And re-free COM registration. These types of entries are DLL Helm counters.

Any modern app written for Vista and above and it has a GUI in which these are the manifest entries. NAT programs also have them in you can add custom manifest with the App Manifest file item template. If you do not do this then you will only get a default manifest with the UAC entry.

No language has been used to write the program. The manifest is independent of programming language. Microsoft usually writes in C ++.

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