Wednesday 15 April 2015

r - Can't display png -

I'm running R-bright on a VM (RED) (R Version 3.0.1 (2013-05-16)) Hi Hat Enterprise Linux Server Release 6.4). Everything works, i.e., the server starts up, and the application runs etc ... unless I try to plot a graph


I then see a message on the main panel [Error: Unable to start the device png] I will post my whole code, but I feel that this problem I feel when I used the render text And if some data goes out then it's okay Program does.

Really get this error when I type png () in RI. (Error: External 2 (CDX11, Paste ("PNG ::", Filename, Sep = ""), G $ width ,: Unable to launch device PNG Additionally: Warning message: PNG (): if I forward it to my Mac via SSH-X, then I can not have any problems in png () and type any plot data etc ...

- Something And keeping things in mind, when I type in the capbelt () I think Zhu Only things can be found on JPEG, quarrel, X11, Aqua, and ProMam (so PNG and Cairo are true)

- Before creating R from the source, I used to write Libpping, Cairo and LibX11, libX11- Devel, libXt, libXt-devel

My problem is guessing that I need to run the X server. Besides, the DISPLAY variable is zero.

I think that when it sprouts for me my question is that my argument is that it is right. / P>

1) Do I need to run / run X server [currently it ends after starting for some reason] or can I just set the DISPLAY variable?

2) If I can only set my display variable, should I set it in (Localhost: 0.0 did not work)

Obviously if I If something is lost then these questions can be irrelevant.

Thanks in advance and thanks, wanted to be completely.

'Cairo') ? How do I use the bitmap device type . Call (C_cairoProps, 2L) in grDevices :::. Selects OnLoad () is skeptical about this (this may be a bug, but I can not say it definitely). Returns

Bitmap Type to Xlib if the check of cairo fails, thus you A secret error message about> X11 is given in the type argument in png () :

 > ; Args (png) function (filename = "Rplot% 03d.png", width = 480, height = 480, units = "px", number = 12, bg = "white", ridge = NA, ..., type =   

The default value of this argument is getOption ('bitmapType'); c ++ (cairo "," cairo-png "," xlib "," quartz "), antelias ) , and in your case this is due to the test in Xlib gr.evices ::: onLoad () . If you are 100% sure that the Cairo works, you can change this option in your ~ / .profile .

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