Friday 15 January 2010

cordova - How to know where directory create in Android using phonegap? -

Can you please tell me how does this know where the folder is created? I am checking in the emulator, I am going so much that I can see my folder. Can I check on the emulator? I'm using PhoneGap.

This is my code.

  document.addEventListener ("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false); // Cordoba is a function on the device () {window.requestFileSystem (LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, onFileSystemSuccess, onFileSystemFail); } File system system (file system) function {console.log (; Var directory entry = filesystem.rote; DirectoryEntry.getDirectory ("newDir", {create: true, unique: incorrect}, onDirectorySuccess, onDirectoryFail)} onDirectorySuccess (parent) work on {console.log (parent); } Directory file (error) on the function {warning ("Unable to create new directory:" + error.code); } Function on file systemfile (evt) {console.log (; }   

You are constantly using storage: LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT < / Code>. This means that in a case where your phone has an external storage (SD card), fileSystem.root will point to the external storage route: file: /// sdcard . Otherwise, in a case where your phone does not have an SD card, fileSystem.root will indicate internal storage: file: /// data / data / $ PACKAGE_NAME .

In addition, you can use fileSystem.root.fullPath to retrieve the path from the root path to DirectoryEntry.

  function on file system civet (file system) {console.log (; Var directory entry = filesystem.rote; Console.log (directoryEntry.fullPath);   

I hope this will be helpful.

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