Monday 15 March 2010

android - unfortunately app stop working: Failed to find style 'mapViewStyle' in current theme -

I saw a lot of answers here, but my problem was not solved. I am trying to create a tab layout which is text and I want to add a map below the table view in Table tabart and table layout. And I am trying to do this but the result is not available. My error is

  Failed to find the style 'mapViewStylr' in the current topic   

After adding the MapView I encountered this error. And when I run the code on the Nexus One and try to open the layout in which I added the map view, then the application stopped unfortunately.

This is my layout code

  & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; RelativeLayout xmlns: android = "Http://schemaskandroidkcom/apk/res/android" Android: Layout_width = "Fill_parent" Android: Layout_height = "Wrap_content" android: orientation = "vertical" android: background = "@ android : Color / white "& gt; & Lt; Scrollview android: id = "@ + id / info_tab" android: layout_width = "fill_parent" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" & gt; & Lt; RelativeLayout android: id = "@ + id / venuinfolayout" Android: Layout_width = "Match_parent" Android: Layout_height = "Wrap_content" android: orientation = "vertical" android: background = "@ android: color / white" & gt; & Lt; TableLayout android: id = "@ + id / venuetable" Android: layout_width = "fill_parent" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" Android: layout_alignParentBottom = "true" Android: fitsSystemWindows = "true" Android: weightSum = "2" & gt; & Lt; TableRow android: layout_width = "fill_parent" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: layout_weight = "1" & gt; & Lt; Android: text = "id": id = "@ + id / locationaddress" android: text = "address:" Android: textcolor = "@ Android: Color / Black" Android: Padding = "6dip" Android: Text-style = "bold" Android: TextSize = "20dip" /> & Lt; TextView android: id = "@ + id / venueaddress_details" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" Android: layout_width = "180dip" Android: SingleLine = "False" Android: layout_toRightOf = "@ id / venueaddress" Android: textcolor = "@Android : Color / Black "Android: Text =" Text "Android: layout_marginLeft =" 10dip "Android: Padding =" 6dip "Android: textSize =" 15dip "/> & Lt; / TableRow & gt; & Lt; TableRow android: layout_width = "fill_parent" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: layout_weight = "1" & gt; & Lt; Android: text = "Android": id = "@ + id / venuephone" android: layout_below = "@ id / venueaddress" android: text = "phone:" android: textcolor = "@ android: color / black" android: padding = "6dip" Android : Textstyle = "bold" Android: text size = "20 dip" /> & Lt; TextView android: id = "@ + id / venuephone_details" Android: layout_below = "@ id / venueaddress_details" Android: layout_toRightOf = "@ id / venuephone" android: text = "number" Android: textcolor = "@ android: color / black "Android: Layout_orggin = Lead =" 10 DP "Android: padding =" 6dip "Android: Text Size =" 15 Dip "/> & Lt; / TableRow & gt; & Lt; / TableLayout & gt; & Lt; android: id = "@ + id / MapView" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height = "match_parent" Android: layout_below = "@ id / venuetable" android: clickable = "True" Android: apiKey = "AIzaSyAWWazTUUQr88b_UqQvB4k5rPAtOhlxTFA" /> & Lt; / RelativeLayout & gt; & Lt; / Scrollview & gt; & Lt; / RelativeLayout & gt;    

  // try it Add it to your manifest file & lt; Use-Library Android: name = "" />    

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